Meet our staff

CCPR Leadership Team

Pastor Jason Dennett & his wife Gina

Senior Pastor

Pastor Jason came to Puerto Rico with the U.S. military as a non-christian in 1997. After completing a 2 year investigation into the evidence for the Bible and a dedicated christian friend, he gave his life to Christ at the age of 20. He's attended CCPR since 1999, where the Church became his new family and he began to serve the Lord in anyway he could.  He continues to serve the Lord as the Senior Pastor of CCPR with his wife, Gina, and two sons, David and Michael.

Pastor Dan Crespo & his wife Lynda

Founding Pastor

Pastor Dan, his wife Lynda and their five children were called by the Lord in 1998 to relocate to Puerto Rico, where the Lord used him to plant Calvary Chapel of Puerto Rico. Later on, the Lord brought them full circle to return to Rochester and plant our sister church, Calvary Chapel Center City. Although they have relocated, they still are a vital part of the work here in Puerto Rico, as full-time employees.  Pastor Dan continues to serve the church in many areas such as missions, administration and teaching. Lynda continues to work in the ministry in significant ways as well.

Pastor Ben Rodriguez

Assistant Pastor

Ben came to the Lord at a youth conference in 2008 at the age of 16. He came to CCPR a few months later, where he quickly began serving at every opportunity. Upon graduating high school, he felt the Lord call him into the ministry, and eventually came on staff to serve the youth at our church.
Ben is now the Assistant Pastor, having passed on the youth ministry to the next generation, and oversees the Media, Website, Sound, Translation, Projector and Worship ministries.

Pastor Frankie Colberg

Family Pastor

Frankie came to the Lord over 30 years ago and has been serving Him ever since. They came to CCPR in 2003 where they were impacted by the teaching of the scriptures verse by verse, and chapter by chapter. Frankie & his wife Becky both have a background in education and they desire to work with God's people, couples and families, helping others achieve their calling in life. Frankie is the Family Pastor, and runs the 50+ Fellowship group, along with offering much of the counseling as he shares his years of wisdom. His wife, Becky, serves along side with him.

Pastor Xavier Ayala

Ministry Pastor

Xavier has been walking with the Lord and serving for many years faithfully at CCPR. Having started in the ushers ministry, he has served wherever needed and used his skills in construction to bless the church family whenever needed. Xavier assist in the Ushers Ministry, Information Center, Finance, Building Maintenance and in pastoral care.

Angel Bonilla

Administrative Assistant - elder

Angel grew up in a Christian family, but it wasn't till he was 25 when he truly committed his life to the Lord and began taking Him seriously. He came to Calvary Chapel in 2012 and began growing in God's Word. In time he began attending all the services he could and serving in youth and children's ministry. Angel now serves on staff as an Administrative Assistant, he oversees the Renew Young Adults ministry and kitchen ministry, and assist with the Finance Ministry. His wife Zoe serves in the nursery, and they are the parents of two boys and a girl.

Alejandro Agosto

Administrative Assistant

Alejandro came to the Lord when he was 16 years old at his high school thanks to the influence of godly teachers. A couple of years later, Alejandro became a part of the CCPR family and has been serving the church ever since. Alejandro now oversees the Revolution youth ministry after serving faithfully for several years. He also edits the weekly devotionals, oversees the social media pages, and assist in the Information Center and finances. Alejandro serves alongside with his wife, Briannah, who serves in the worship ministry and also alongside him in the youth group.

Alvin Roman


Alvin has served faithfully at Calvary alongside his wife Lisandra for many years. Alvin and Lisandra have raised their three children in the church, who are now all grown up and serving the Lord themselves. Alvin oversees our Faith Factory Kid's Ministry, having a passion and love for the children and desire to see them trust in Jesus and be discipled. Lisandra oversees our Nursery Ministry, as they serve together in CCPR.