"For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,"
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
The Glorious Gospel Radio is a ministry of Calvary Chapel of PR dedicated to bringing the full Gospel to all people, setting them free from sin & the law. Below you'll find links to various free resources such as books, commentaries, devotionals and more, many of which are in both English & Spanish. You will also find information on our radio program, where you can listen to every Monday-Friday at 6:40am & 4:40pm.

Glorious Gospel Radio Program
Join us Monday-Friday on The Rock Radio Network at 6:40am & 4:40pm. Listen to us throughout all of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Listen to us on the following stations:
- Metro, North and East Coast Area
- WBMJ 1190 AM
- W258DT 99.5 FM
- Vieques, Culebra & Virgin Islands Area
- WIVV 1370 AM
- W280GC 103.9 FM
- West & South Coast Area
- WCGB 1060 AM
- W293DP 106.5 FM
Glorious Gospel Radio Website
Check out our website dedicated specifically to the Glorious Gospel Radio. On it you'll find even more great resources in both English and Spanish such as free digital books, commentary on the whole Bible, devotionals and much more.