
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "

2 Peter 3:18a

Over the years, many great books have become available for free online. We've collected many of the links to offer them to you in a single place. All of the books featured are free on Apple iBooks. We are also including the Amazon Kindle link as some of the books are free or have a cost of $0.99.

Why Grace Changes Everything by Chuck Smith

Grace. It s a word we all love to hear, but do we really know what it means? Without it, our lives are dry and dusty, but when grace comes, it transforms our lives into something rich and beautiful. With remarkable insight gleaned from his own life, Pastor Chuck Smith unfolds the mystery of grace and reveals the surprising truth: We can never grow in grace by our own efforts. True grace flows from the heart of the Father through the love of Jesus Christ. To know that God is for you, and that He loves you, is the greatest source of security you will ever know. That is grace and that is what makes life worth living.

Effective Prayer Life By Chuck Smith

In print for over 25 years, this incredible book has touched countless lives worldwide and is now available on iBooks.

Prayer is the most joyous privilege in the world! Discover the full, beautiful experience of prayer, and be refreshed by the simplicity of having a close relationship with God.

Charisma Versus Charismania by Chuck Smith

This book is a scripturally balanced look at the person and work of the Holy Spirit. It will equip the reader to avoid the extremes surrounding the subject of the Holy Spirit and it will arm the reader with solid biblical teaching.
Charisma Versus Charismania identifies who the Holy Spirit is and describes His proper work in the world, the church, and the life of the believer. We do not ask you to blindly accept all the premises written within this book, but we do encourage you to search the Scriptures and to see if these things are so. “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
Pastor Chuck believed that the Holy Spirit indeed does work in the lives of Christians today and he offers a sane, scriptural approach that will encourage all believers to look to the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Answers For Today by Chuck Smith

In this book Pastor Chuck takes a look at popular questions from today’s culture.

Christian Family Relationships by Chuck Smith

This brief study of Colossians 3 and Ephesians 6 focuses on the important principles for strengthening family relationships, with suggestions for practical application. May this book encourage you in the further study of God's Word where the commands of God and the promises of His many blessings are found. 

Comfort For Those Who Mourn by Chuck Smith

Comfort for Those Who Mourn is designed to help those who have just lost someone close to them. Pastor Chuck Smith speaks from Scripture to encourage those in grief to follow the example of King David, who mourned deeply and expressively for Jonathan, but then turned to healthy activity. A sensitive and helpful tool for those in grief.

What The World Is Coming To by Chuck Smith

What is the world coming to? The answer is documented in the book of Revelation: a prophetic and unerring account of the final days of man upon the earth and the momentous events to follow. Join Pastor Chuck Smith as he takes you verse by verse through the book of Revelation to give you understanding. Our world is coming to an end fast don t go down with it. You can be raptured with the church to be with the Lord forever...before total destruction comes.

Living Water by Chuck Smith

Jesus promised His bewildered disciples that He would not leave them as orphans, but that He would pray to the Father who would send them another Comforter who would come alongside to help them and would abide with them forever. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and bring to their remembrance all the things that He had commanded them. In his warm personal style, Pastor Chuck Smith, a bible teacher for over 50 years, paints an intimate picture of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. He is to conform you into the image of Christ. He is to come alongside of you to help you in your walk. He is to teach you all things. He is to give you an understanding of spiritual things. He is to give you the power to be a witness of Jesus Christ. There is a vast difference between being filled with the Holy Spirit and having the Holy Spirit flow forth out of your life like a torrent of living water. Pastor Smith will lead you step by step into this rich and intimate relationship with God which is made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit. You will experience the refreshing streams of living water filling your life then flowing forth from your life unto a thirsty world.

The Claims of Christ by Chuck Smith

I am come as a light into the world, that whosoever believes in me should not abide in darkness. John 12:46
There is no denying the fact that the claims of Christ are radical. Jesus statements concerning Himself present every person with a choice to be made. We must either accept or reject His claims. He was either telling the truth or He was lying.
He claimed to be the Son of God and that He came to save the world. It is not an option to simply ignore such statements. For if Jesus is truly who He claimed to be, then our eternal destiny will be determined by whether or not we believe those claims.

The Gospel According To Grace by Chuck Smith

THE BOOK OF ROMANS (written by the Apostle Paul) has often been called, “The Gospel according to Grace.”
Paul teaches us that the grace of God is a free gift, bringing salvation to the lost. In Romans 3:23-24, Paul writes, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through redemption that is in Jesus Christ.” God’s grace is fully demonstrated in the work of Jesus Christ; His suffering, death, resurrection and ascension.
Only this grace can save a man from the wrath of God.
The Gospel According To Grace clearly proclaims the truths of God found in the book of Romans. To know His grace is to know the abounding love that He has for mankind, and to know and receive the love of God is to be truly born again.

Old Testament Study Guide By Chuck Smith

Designed for the student of God's Word, Pastor Chuck has written a verse-by-verse overview of the Old Testament.
As you place this book next to your Bible, you'll discover key words that define Hebrew and Greek words commonly used, biblical maps, charts, diagrams and Calvary Chapel distinctives to help you visualize the text. Also included are introductions and study questions for each book of the Old Testament.

Old Testament Study Guide By Chuck Smith

Designed for the student of God's Word, Pastor Chuck has written a verse-by-verse overview of the New Testament.
As you place this book next to your Bible, you'll discover key words that define Greek words commonly used, biblical maps, charts, diagrams and Calvary Chapel distinctives to help you visualize the text. Also included are introductions and study questions for each book of the New Testament.

The Man God Uses By Chuck Smith

Do you want to become an instrument that God can use to accomplish His will?
In this inspiring book, Chuck Smith, examines the personal characteristics of the people God used throughout the Scriptures. What made these people so different that God chose them? With remarkable insight, Chuck reveals five essential components of prayer; the danger of a lukewarm Gospel; and the secret to the apostles' boldness.

Faith By Chuck Smith

Faith is the key to a successful Christian life. Faith takes you by the hand and walks you from one level of spiritual maturity to another. That is why the Word of God says, “Without faith it is impossible to
please God” (Hebrews 11:6). But what is faith? Where does it come from and how does it work? What does it accomplish? Why does it please God?
In this book, Pastor Chuck Smith explores these questions and a host of others
as they relate to the issue of faith. Using examples from God’s Word, as well as illustrations gleaned from over sixty years in the ministry, Pastor Chuck lays a strong case for faith:
• Faith gives you victory.
• Faith comforts in the midst of fear.
• Faith makes heavy burdens light.
• Faith helps the soul to wait even when God delays.
• Faith sees God’s help is greater than any force that can come against you.
It was faith that led Abraham into the Land of Promise. It was faith that led
the children of Israel through the Red Sea. And it was faith that enabled Peter to step out of the boat and walk on water. The question is: What might faith do in you?

Love By Chuck Smith

The late pastor Chuck Smith spent a lifetime pondering and preaching on the nature of God’s love for us. In this rich, encouraging, and deeply practical book, he describes how every one of us can come to experience and share the kind of world-changing love that continuously pours from the very heart of God.

Wisdom For Today By Chuck Smith

Read along as Pastor Chuck takes us on a journey from Genesis to Revelation, pointing out Gods wisdom for life in 365 daily devotional readings. Each day features a portion of Scripture followed by practical application. Discover how the Bible speaks volumes of wisdom that can be applied in every area of your life.

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